Learn how to break the cruel cycle of addiction and depression so that you or someone you love can finally live in freedom!
"I never thought I'd be free. I am living proof that there is hope and I can't thank you enough. This program saved my life."
- Anne, Massachusetts
Hi, I’m Julia
I am the Speaker and Director of Family Health & Education Resources, a Christian ministry seeking to restore hope and happiness in this world of turmoil and uncertainty.
I am the adult daughter of an addict who has struggled with depression and substance abuse. I have lost family and friends, and have family and friends who are still captive to the cruel cycle of depression and addiction. They are the reason for my work. It is my mission to bring hope to as many as will receive it.
The FHERonline Free Indeed! courses are the result of more than five years of collaboration with medical and mental health care professionals, counselors, pastors, and colleagues in ministry to combine the science of health and wholeness with the hope of the gospel.
Within the course units of the the FHERonline Classroom, you will unlock the power of restoration from destructive behaviors and learn how to live a life of health and wholeness. We have designed our platform for anyone who struggles with mild to major depression, substance abuse and addiction in its many forms, as well as the friends and loved ones who need to better understand how to be a healthy support for their suffering loved one(s).
Coming Soon to the FHERonline Classroom:
- Free to be Healthy & Happy defeating autoimmune conditions
- Prisoner of Hope a study of the themes of hope in the Bible
We look forward to hearing your victory story!